Monday, July 30, 2012

Duchess Potatoes

2 pounds potatoes
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons salted butter
¾ cup grated cheddar cheese
½ teaspoon ground white pepper
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon paprika
½ teaspoon water
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 medium pot and cover
1 large bowl
1 potato masher
1 rubber spatula
1 large plastic zip bag
6 small ramekin bowls
1 baking sheet/tray
1 small bowl
1 pastry brush
Duchess Potatoes  (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)
Duchess Potatoes (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)
1.  Peel potatoes, add to pot, cover and bring to a boil. When the pot comes to a boil, add salt to taste. Cook until fork tender.
2.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
3.  Mash potatoes while hot and ensure that there are no lumps. Add butter, white pepper and cheese to potatoes while it is still hot. Mix thoroughly and taste for seasoning (salt and pepper).
4.  Mix in beaten egg ensuring that it is fully incorporated into the mixture.
5.  Snip one bottom-end of the plastic zip bag about ¾-inch across.
6.  Add the potato mixture to the bag and squeeze the top in order to force the mixture through the hole in the bag.
7.  Pipe the potatoes into the ramekins going in a circular motion until the ramekin is filled about 1 above the rim. Repeat until all the bowls are filled. Transfer the bowls onto baking sheet/tray.
8.  In the small bowl, add the paprika and ½ teaspoon water and make into a paste. Using the pastry brush, lightly brush the edges of the potatoes.
9.  Sprinkle the top with chopped parsley.
Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes or until the edges are lightly brown.
10.  Serve hot

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